How to Use Your Long Term Food Storage Preps as you Consume Them

How to Use Your Long Term Food Storage Preps as you Consume Them by  for Modern Survival Blog

You have spent a long time acquiring your extra food (and other supplies). You did this because it seemed like a wise thing to do. Being prepared to an extent. Just in case.

Being smart, many of you rotate through your extra foods so they don’t all sit there and eventually “go bad”. But this can be a challenge, and some foods are meant for “long term” storage – only accessed if and when it becomes necessary.

None of us wanted a situation to arise where we actually “needed” to dip into our food storage out of necessity. Well, here we are… This invisible virus called COVID-19 Coronavirus. The WuFlu. Whatever you want to call it. It’s an official pandemic. And most states have implemented stay-at-home “orders”.

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Though there’s still food in the grocery stores, it’s limited depending on one’s location. However the bigger issue is the risk itself of going out to these stores and getting more supplies. The virus could be right there – just waiting to infect you. So why put yourself at risk? Answer: many of us are not. Because we’re sufficiently supplied to survive for months or longer.

Recently Mrs.J and I took a broad categorical food inventory of our food stores here at home. Although I have various inventories, lists, and even spreadsheets, I wanted to get a visual. A “feel” for the high level categories of food types that we have with regard to the quantities and caloric content.

In other words, since we are now restricting ourselves to our own food storage, I want to consume them in a balanced way. One day we’ll eat “this type” and the next day “another type”. For example, maybe it’s pasta & sauce for dinner tonight and then rice & beans with home canned chicken the next. (Rather than eating more of one category than another – perhaps because we like “it” better). Instead we want to draw down the inventory in a balanced way.

So, what are my own high level food categories that we’re attempting to evenly utilize?

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